Obtaining residency through a new job in Spain can be possible.
The Spanish government have supplied a full list of jobs they require to fill and for which they will provide a Residency and find a job Permit to allow the worker to live in Spain.
All these roles are detailed in the following list: (click here)
It should be noted that only the jobs which are shown on this list, will allow you to obtain an Employee-Residency Permit. Moving forward, this may change.
If you are trained, with experience for one of these roles, and would like to apply, click-here.
Should none of these roles be suitable, please visit our Reidency-Profiles to find a suitable residency profile we offer.
Permanent residency is obtained after 5 years of Spanish Residency through Self-Empoyed Residency or Non-Lucrative Residency or Residency through Investment. This followed by 5 years as a permanent resident and means you can then obtain Spanish Citizenship with a Spanish Passport.