Spain has third most influential passport globally


Spanish citizens can count themselves fortunate as their passports rank as the third most influential in the world, granting them visa-free travel to numerous countries. This assessment stems from an index compiled using data from the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which unveils the number of destinations accessible to passport holders without prior visa requirements.

The comprehensive index encompasses 199 passports and 227 travel destinations, providing valuable insights into global mobility and ultimately determining the strength of each passport. The scoring system revolves around the tally of destinations accessible to passport holders without visa obligations. A score of one is assigned for each destination where no visa is required or if visa-on-arrival, visitor permits, or electronic travel authorizations (ETAs) are obtainable upon entry.

The latest rankings for 2023 position Spain and Germany in a joint third place, enabling Spanish passport holders to explore 191 countries without the need for a visa. Topping the list jointly are Japan and Singapore, whose passport holders enjoy visa-free access to a remarkable 193 countries. In a close second place is South Korea, granting its passport holders the privilege of visiting 192 countries unrestricted.

Following Spain and Germany, several European countries make their mark on the list. Finnish, Italian, and Luxembourgish passport holders secure fourth place, opening doors to 189 destinations. Meanwhile, passport holders from Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Sweden occupy fifth place, facilitating visits to 188 countries.

The sixth position is shared by passports from France, Ireland, Portugal, and the United Kingdom, affording their holders the freedom to explore 188 countries without the hassle of obtaining a visa.

Remarkably, only 17 percent of countries worldwide extend access to more than 80 percent of the globe without imposing visa requirements on their passport holders.

At the other end of the spectrum, the three countries with the least influential passports are Afghanistan, with access to a mere 27 countries without visas, followed by Iraq with a score of 29 and Syria with a score of 30.

The ranking underscores the privilege enjoyed by Spanish passport holders, providing them with unparalleled opportunities for global travel and exploration.

Please see-here our video-blog with options and legal-advice to obtain residency in Spain.

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Permanent residency is obtained after 5 years of Spanish Residency through Self-Employed Residency, Digital-Nomad, Non-Lucrative Residency or Golden-Visa. This followed by 5 years as a permanent resident in Spain and means you can then obtain Spanish Citizenship with a Spanish Passport.

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