Family Members Reunion – Residency Updates in Spain

In 2022, Royal Decree 629/2022, was published in the Official State Gazette, amending the Regulations of Organic Law 4/2000, explaining many new updates for expats who reside in Spain.

In this publication we will discuss updates for family members of Spanish citizens or residents and the ability for them to work.


Regarding family reunification, the reform makes family reunification requirements more flexible when they affect foreign minors, or people with disabilities or in situations of vulnerability.

In what cases can the amount due be reduced?

The requirement may be reduced in the following cases:

Children or legally represented, when they are minors or have a disability and are not objectively capable of providing for their own needs, when there are circumstances that advise it in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 1/1996, of January 15, Legal Protection of Minors.

In response to the circumstances of the specific case, assessing the age, physical and emotional development of the reunited family member, the relationship with their sponsor, and the number of members of the family unit.

The flexibility will refer to the minimum amount required at the time the authorization request is made, and to the perspective of maintaining the economic means during the year after the date of presentation.

What is the amount to justify?

The amount to justify will be the following:

In the case of family units that include, calculating the refund and when the regrouped person arrives in Spain, two members: an amount representing 150% of the IPREM will be required monthly. In the case of family units that include, when the regrouped person arrives in Spain, more than two people: an amount that represents 50% of the IPREM monthly for each additional member. If these amounts are reached, the authorization will be granted.

If the above amounts are not reached, family reunification of the minors will be granted if the sponsor accredits financial means from a stable source of income equal to or greater than the minimum interprofessional salary.

For those cases in which said amount is not reached and in view of the situation of the regrouped, for a family unit of two members, one of them being a minor, 110% of the amount of the guaranteed income of the Minimum Vital Income on an annual basis and, for each additional minor, an additional 10% will be required with a maximum limit of 150% of said income.

Would you like to start an application in Spain?

We will prepare the required documentation, complete the application forms, arrange the required appointments and legally advise.

Permanent residency is obtained after 5 years of Spanish Residency through Self-Empoyed Residency or Non-Lucrative Residency or Residency through Investment. This followed by 5 years as a permanent resident and means you can then obtain Spanish Citizenship with a Spanish Passport.

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